Monday, September 24, 2012

2013 Ride

So, I didn't think I would start obsessing about the 2013 ride quite this early, but it really started a year ago.  There are 2 frontrunners at the moment.

1.  Alaska
2.  California

Alaska is a bike longevity thing.  Ideally I would do this in about 3 years when Princess is a bit older and I can better explain a 2 week jaunt.  Problem is in 3 years, the Tiger, which should be a perfect candidate for a trip of this nature, will likely be beyond 100K and I am unsure how wise that would be.

California is currently the leading candidate, but as 2012 showed, that means slightly less than nothing when it comes to what is actually ridden.

I like the band Little Feat, and saw them a several times.  I have wanted to go from Tuscon to Tucumcari, Tehachapi and Tonopah for 25 years.  If I mix the order up a bit, that's a solid ride of 1184  Now that, my dear friends, is karma slapping me in the cheek with a white glove.

Dear Karma,
I'm Willin.